Our Products

Our product division offers AI and IoT based products that helps you to overcome some of the key challenges in the field of Intelligent Traffic Engineering and Law Enforcement Solution. We believe our products for Traffic Engineering and AI based Law Enforcement system must helps Government to reduce operational cost and increases revenue to the government efficiently thus they must come not only with reasonable onboarding but also with a low annual maintenance cost.

  • atlas systems


    ATLAS is a state-of-the-art traffic controller, modular in design and can be configured for all types of intersections. The Advanced Traffic Light Assistance System (ATLAS) is a traffic signal controller that features a full-fledged traffic control system with necessary provisions that will allow traffic regulation from the control room with the assistance derived from intrusive and nonintrusive methods thereby enabling absolute control of all the signals in the city. ATLAS will also perform a cable less synchronization of successive signals on the roads, which will optimize wait time of the motorists at various signals.

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    Adaptive traffic control system (ATCS) is a traffic management strategy in which traffic signal timing changes or adapts based on the changing arrival patterns of vehicles at each intersection. During the process a traffic signal provides green time to each intersection. As arrival patterns change from cycle to cycle the length of green time provided to each approach also changes. The main goal of ATCS is to adjust the timing of traffic signal at intersections in order to dynamically adapt in real time to prevailing conditions. It works by responding to data collected from the vehicle detector at each intersection ATCS can effectively adjust to expected timings in traffic signal intersection. The ATCS is designed to reduce travel times for individuals thereby minimizing wait times at intersection and avoiding collisions.

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    ATLAS Vehicle Detector

    Vehicle Detector unit has a state of the art high resolution vehicle detection camera system using Machine Learning based Computer Vision algorithms. Atlas vehicle detector is used to detect the intensity and classification of moving and stationary vehicles traffic signals. This system enables the exact verification of vehicle presence, count of vehicles and classification into various categories. It's high resolution and wide coverage features allows its usage for surveillance purposes as well. Vehicle Detector Camera is an automated system which verifies the vehicle presence detection zones and helps in managing traffic signals proactively based on immediate incident alerts that are visually verifiable.

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    Emergency Vehicle Priority System

    Emergency vehicle priority system is the solution to control the traffic and helps the emergency vehicle to reach at their destination on time. This system completely relies on automatic traffic intelligent controller to reduce the latency of emergency vehicles with minimum disruption to regular traffic on the roads.

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    Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR)

    Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) system is a state-of-the-art, real-time Plate detection and Optical Character Recognition (OCR) based vehicle monitoring system, to provide automatic number plate recognition or license plate recognition for tracking and identification of vehicles. The system analyses a video stream in real-time from the camera and processes the analysed video stream for number plate detection and character recognition function. The processed vehicle license plates are stored in a database and can be verified against a number of user-defined criteria. The system can be deployed at border check-posts, toll gates/booths, entry/exit traffic surveillance and for law enforcement applications for tracking hot-listed / stolen / suspected / wanted vehicles/banned vehicles as part of city surveillance solution.

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    Red Line Violation Detection System

    Red Light Violation Detection System is a mass surveillance system that automatically capture the Image of vehicle violating the traffic rules.RLVD system automatically captures images of vehicle from backside with license plate numbers and performs OCR (optical character recognition) on images to read the license plates on vehicles.RLVD continuously monitors the traffic signal, and camera is itself triggered by any vehicle passing over the sensors at specified time after signal has turned red.

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    Command & Control Turnkey Solutions

    Command and Control Centre A command and control centre is considered to be the core for managing safety and Surveillance of the city, respond to inconsistent conditions and various operations in a city. The Integrated Centralised Command & Control Centre (ICCC) will be an integrated system that will operate & manage multiple city service operations including real time monitoring & improving services and important source/ intelligence is provided by Integrated Command and Control Centre or the ICCC. It is the place where the overall operations of an organization like monitoring, controlling and commanding are carried out. The ICCCs (Integrated Command and Control Centre) serves its purpose not only to the Government, Military Agencies etc but also to the Departments of Police & Fire, Universities and Utility Companies and much more. To collect vital information, the important communications and systems are connected in such centre. It further helps in sharing of decisive commands, warnings, and alerts quite flawlessly in huge numbers.

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    E-Challan Software

    A System designed to create spot fine against traffic violators. It will automatically generates an electronic challan after registering the violation. Violet enables the violator to pay fine by Cash / Card / Court. Violet is an Intelligent, Efficient and Robust Analytical Engine that generates desirable MIS Reports. A Web Based application is available to view offence description, fine amount, and to generate desirable MIS reports and it enables violator to make payments online.

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1250/2, Avinashi Road,
P.N Palayam,
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641037


7B, Govindhu St,
Parthasarathi Puram, T. Nagar,
Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600017